Nestled in the heart of Sisters, Oregon, two brothers, Paxton and Chase, live and work alongside their parents, in harmony with the land they call home. Their family’s small homestead, tucked between the pine forests and open meadows of this stunning corner of the Pacific Northwest, serves as both their livelihood and their inspiration.
Here, they live a simple, hands-on life, guided by a deep respect for the land and the creatures that inhabit it.
Possum Fox specialize in producing high-quality, grass-fed beef tallow products—nourishing goods that are crafted with care and intention. With a firm belief that what you put into your body should be as natural and wholesome as possible, they are dedicated to producing goods that are genuinely good for you.
Their tallow products—rich, nourishing, and full of health benefits—are made from grass-fed, sustainably raised cows. Whether it's their luxurious skincare balms or wholesome cooking tallow, each item they create is a reflection of their commitment to health, sustainability, and a deep connection to the land.
Living in such a bountiful, natural place, Paxton and Chase are endlessly curious about the world around them. They believe in taking the time to learn about the plants, animals, and ecosystems that make Oregon so unique. They see the value in everything—every critter, every tree, every wildflower—and they aim to incorporate that respect and understanding into every aspect of their work.
For Paxton and Chase, it's not just about making a product; it's about nourishing the body, the spirit, and the soul. They see their work as part of a larger vision to create something lasting and meaningful, and they are driven by the simple yet profound belief that health and happiness come from living in balance with nature. Each batch of tallow product is more than just a product—it’s a story of a family, and the land they love.
Why Tallow?
Hydrating | Anti-inflammatory | Increases collagen production | Improves cell regeneration
Featured Product
Winter Balm